Serving Grand Rapids
and nearby areas
"Happy Window Cleaning provides the best views"
Window Cleaning
Our written estimates describe the value that you get for your hard-earned money! Our firm written estimate is emailed to you. It includes special circumstances that we encounter from time to time, so you'll have a better understanding of what the project entails. Happy Window Cleaning will not spam our customer's email inboxes!
Given the unconscionable price of gas, it is impractical for us to drive around to do an estimate for a job we may or may not get. Just like other companies/contractors, we use online sources such as Google Earth and realty websites to see the exterior of your home for our estimates. If you are in the woods and there are no online pictures, please send us a picture of all sides of the exterior of your home. This is normally all we need to give you a very accurate estimate. We will also include a few open dates in case you would like to move forward with the cleaning right away. Proof of insurance is also sent to you upon request. We are insured with Lake Michigan Insurance.
Sometimes, for example, storms might not be visible from online pictures. Aftermarket lattices (AKA grids) are often not obvious from pictures either. There are actually a number of things like that, but no worries. All of those special items are included in your written proposal for your consideration. If you tell us about those special circumstances, we can quote your place accurately. This way, there is always complete transparency and no surprises for either of us!
The written proposal sent to your email will have the appropriate fees associated with any item that is added to the items that we have quoted in your firm proposal. Over the years We have worked with every kind of architecture from every period. It is no exaggeration that there are literally hundreds of styles of windows in existence today.
Our prices are definitely not the highest, but they are not the lowest either. We strive to offer the right price point for everyone and those who have the least time-consuming chores for us to do get the very best pricing possible.
You will see below that we also offer an hourly rate when people ask us to do partial cleanings. If you opt for an hourly rate, there are of course no other add-on charges since you are actually already paying for our time. So if you choose to clean the skylights, etc, with the hourly option you will simply pay for the crew's time from when our people arrive until they pack up. Happy Window Cleaning does not ask for anything upfront such as a deposit. Our terms are payment for services upon completion. We accept checks as payment.
Other terms of the service are laid out in our Policies page.

Glass-only cleaning includes interior and exterior: the glass is cleaned and the window sills are wiped. Our first rule is "do no harm". Our window cleaning technicians are required to wear booties over their shoes anytime they come into your home.
Track Cleaning: Our average size home is about fifty windows, usually not all windows are open, and there might be 40 or so tracks to clean. Depending on when they were cleaned last and the environment surrounding the site, cleaning the tracks normally takes a few man-hours. Sites where there is construction, lakefront homes, and those in the woods, etc., can of course take a bit longer.
Screen Cleaning: If you want the glass cleaned and the screens are on the outside of your home, it is best to have your screens cleaned since they must be removed anyways. Handling the screens is really a chore of its own. Since handling screens takes more time than homes without screens, the fee for the service is commensurate with the chore.
Economy: $75 up to 20 screens, $5/piece over 20
• Traditional screen cleaning indoors
• Screens will be cleaned by setting them on the floor of your house and wiping them with a damp cloth (to prevent dust from spreading all over the place)
Deluxe: $160 up to 20 screens, $5/piece over 20
• Screen cleaner will be used outside of the home and ran through our pressurized screen cleaning washer, dried and reinstalled
• Requirement: hook up on the homeowner’s faucet
• Costs more but you get cleaner screens
Skylights: $25 each
Storm windows: $20 per piece/glass
Partial Window Cleaning: $160 minimum, good for 1 hour then $75/man-hour thereafter. The clock starts from the time the crew arrives and ends when the crew members are packed up.